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Monday, October 26, 2009

Be Thou my vision

Deuteronomy 28:1, 14
1If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today,
the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth.
14 Do not turn aside from any of the commands I give you today, to the right or to the left,
following other gods and serving them.

The first hymn sung at a wedding reception that I attended last Saturday was "Be Thou my vision". It is an old hymn. I pondered why a young couple in their mid twenties would choose it for their wedding ceremony.

Yesterday, my Senior Pastor preached that if we do not have a vision, we will die! So I started to think about what my vision is. I thought that I would like to be more like Jesus. Then it connected. The hearts of the newly married couple want to have Christ as their vision, so that they can be more like Jesus!

If I want to be more like Jesus, I need to have Christ as my vision too. And how do I have Christ as my vision? By keeping His commands, not sometimes, not most of the times but all the time!

This sounds like an impossible task, and it is. However, I am reminded that what is impossible to men, God makes it possible. And so, I am asking the Holy Spirit to help me to set Jesus Christ as my vision.

And as we keep His commands, He assures us that He will set us high above all nations and receive His bountiful blessings described in Deuteronomy 28:2-13

Join me in asking the Holy Spirit to set Christ as our vision.

God bless.



  1. morning Steven
    How blessed I am to have a brother like you who is pouring out your thoughts so transparently for my guidance and learning. I am also caught in a state of how much I want to trust God. 2 issues I am facing :
    1) on my sister's condition
    2) on my ministry in church
    Yesterday brought my sister to the heamo center a 3 weekly consultation and blood test. Physically, she looks good and feel good. I praise God for taking care and healing my sister but yesterday her blood test shows only 7.2 which means she need blood transfusion. Her reticu count is at 1.6 an improved level. Doctor wanted to try her on injection again. This morning I spoke to my 2nd sister whether I should ask for 2nd opinion. My sister says no. we must trust God that this is His direction. My sister reminded me that the last visit to the doctor she too says No to injection but today she said try it out. We dun try we do not know whether it works. Before I drop off my sister at the haemo center I said a little prayer to God to give wisdom to the doctor yet I fall back to my own world of logic. Silly right. Where is my TRUST. Where is my FAITH? God forgive me.
    2) I was contemplating stepping down from children ministry next year. 4 years since we started G2 has been taking up classes for the preteens. Very challenging group of kids hyper active, a mind of their own. Have been in children ministry for more than 20 over years from Lighthouse to Grace. To be a care-giver also drains off my energy. Was observing the ushering ministry and was tempted. Ps Lim last week message - key takeaway 'investing in the next generation' - a challenging and not a mandane ministry. I just wrote to pastor that I will stay on for another year. I know if I pray about it - God will be silent as deep down in my heart I know God's answer "feed my lambs". Your sharing on "when God is silent" is also a reason why I change my mind not to step down. Thanks Steven. May God shows you your next phase in life. Remember John 10:10 It is His will that we live life abundantly.

  2. It's nice to know that people like you still exist.

  3. Andy

    Thanks for your comment.

    I enjoyed your rendition of "Be Thou my vision".

    May God continue to bless you as your set your vision on Him.

    God bless.

