Monday, March 08, 2010

No explanation, just obedience

John 16:29-31 (Amplified Bible)

29His disciples said, Ah, now You are speaking plainly to us and not in parables (veiled language and figures of speech)!

30Now we know that You are acquainted with everything and have no need to be asked questions. Because of this we believe that you [really] came from God.

31Jesus answered them, Do you now believe? [Do you believe it at last?]

In the text above, verse 31 can be interpreted either as a glorious proclamation or as a disheartened exclamation from the Lord about His disciples' state of faith.

The context of the passage is the Lord preparing the disciples to understand and accept His impending crucifixion. The Israelites were expecting a king who would deliver them from the Roman masters. Yet Jesus was going to become the King of kings through His obedience to the cross. Even the disciples could not understand His mission.

Now that our Lord has risen, we need not be in doubt. His resurrection, as witnessed and recorded by both believers and historians, confirmed the story of His mission of reconciliation. We need only to believe.

In the same vein, God has taught me to move ahead in any decision by trusting in Him. When I have to make a decision, I commit it to Him in reverence. Then I listen to the Holy Spirit for His guidance. The peace from Christ will fill me as I am prompted towards His decision for me.

As I continue to do this, I eventually come to a position where as I commit my decision to the Lord, I do not need an explanation from Him. I need only to believe and obey. After all, He is a Sovereign God.

It is enough that He has shown me that He absolutely loves me and has only plans for my success, not to harm me but to give me a hope and a future (Jer 29:11). And God has never failed me. Praise the Lord!

May I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to help you to be just obedient and move as He leads you.

God bless.


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