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Monday, September 14, 2009

Fixing our eyes upon Jesus

Too many times we look away from the Lord and cast our eyes upon the so very many distractions that the Devil so deceivingly offers. And in every of those situations, we are weakened in our faith and our walk with the Lord.

This the Devil's plan - to make us loose our focus upon Jesus and His finished work. When that happens, he will then increase his attacks by putting pride, self-sufficiency, condemnation, doubt, guilt, bitterness, unforgiveness into the weakened mind.

Let us not be fooled. There is nothing more that we can add to what our Lord has done. When He cried out "
It is finished!", IT IS FINISHED indeed. His promise of abundant life for those who believe Him was and continually is fulfilled.

A pastor wrote in his book the following :

"Anybody who doesn't focus on Jesus Christ and His finished work has neither the wisdom of God nor the power of God, because the Bible says that Christ crucified is the wisdom of God and the power of God " (1 Cor 1:23-24") .

So let us always remember to fix our eyes upon Jesus to acknowledge His completed work, and accept His offer of eternal and abundant life. Let us never look away from His loving eyes.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Steven for your reminder to fix our eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith. Whenever we are faced with adversity we tend to lift our eyes off Jesus. My takeaway from last week seminar. We only live for 2 days - This day and That day. This day we live in the fullest of Christ and That day which is the Judgement seat of Christ.

    Is it true that man wants respect and woman wants love? We, women want both love and respect.... agree Michelle?
