Monday, June 15, 2009


Faith - a complete abandonment to and an absolute dependence upon God.

It was a rare occasion in my blogging history that I could not bring myself to post a sharing but it happened for the last 2 weeks. I was down spiritually as I struggled with my work and health.

Just after I declared that I was healed about two weeks ago, I suffered a relapse of my cervical spondoloysis and was in excruciating pain for the last 8 days.

And the trait that I was to blog on is 'faith'.

The pain in my neck and left back was so severe that it caused me to practically loose interest in everything. I had to endure the pain through my five days of church retreat. I pleaded with God at every available opportunity at the altar during the services, cried and groaned to Him and asked for relief. Relief has yet to come - I am learning the practical lesson on faith.

In this trying period, I can only depend on the Holy Spirit to give me faith to totally abandon myself to His hands as I declare His faithfulness. In faith, I declare that, "All things are possible to him that believes." (Mark 9:23).

I know that this is one trait that I have yet to manifest to the fullest. I ask of the Holy Spirit to grant me this trait and the victory of faith will complete its work in me.

God bless.


1 comment:

  1. Faith? Someone taught me this...hope this helps

    F - Christ as the only source of Faith, given Freely
    A - Abide in Him, Always, in All matters.
    I - recognise and remove Idols in our life
    T - use His Word to Teach and guide our paths
    H - pray for Holy Spirit to guide our chosen path
