Monday, May 25, 2009

Goodness of our heart

The 6th trait of the fruit of the Spirit is goodness.

The original Greek word for goodness is translated as 'uprightness of heart'.

Goodness flows from the heart that is totally unselfish, one that wants to give more than receive. It represents benevolence in the purest sense.

I have seen this trait manifested in a number of believers, including my wife and I am learning from her. When it comes to giving of her time, words of encouragement, money etc., to others, she is so sensitive to the Holy Spirit's prompting and she strikes it right every time. By this I mean that as she is directed by the Spirit, she ministers to the timely needs of the recipients. And as I went through my recent period of challenge, her goodness shone into my life and I am lifted by the Lord's assurance shown through her goodness.

A new colleague of mine also possesses this trait. Though he hardly knew me when I first joined the company, he saw that I was struggling and took effort to encourage me, shared with me how the Lord had also lifted Him up and thus assured me that the Lord will do the same to me as well. He offered his time and showed his concern for me out of the goodness of his heart. I am blessed.

When one is possessed by the Spirit's goodness, we will see hospitality, genuine concern, generosity, benevolence flowing out of him. As with the other traits, we cannot manufacture goodness; it comes only when the Holy Spirit sanctifies us and works through us.

Be aware when you see yourself being more hospitable than you normally are, or being more generous than ever before - acknowledge and thank the Holy Spirit for giving you this fruit. Then honor Him by continuing to let goodness flow from your heart and bless those around you.

God bless.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Steven
    Yes, I firmly agree with you that goodness comes from within oneself. It cannot be manufactured with pretense as it is not sustainable. I am very blessed by your wife, Michelle. She is indeed an angel. At Cambodia trip - her encouragement and prayer gave me peace throughout the trip. She is full of enthusiasm, passion, warmth, zeal and lively in her sharing of the gospel even at the market we visited. Touching lives and reaching out to people. This we should emulate from her exemplary set. Without hesitation she will share a bible verse to encourage me in times of need. Miss you at G2. Since we started the 2nd service I do not see Michelle handing out goodies at the ushering debrief.
