Monday, February 25, 2013

The Gap of Disobedience

For the last two weeks, I had been reading the book of Acts. Paul's vision recorded in Acts 22:17-21 (NIV)taught me much.

Paul was a true Jew, an ex-Pharisee and zealous persecutor of Jesus and His followers. As a Pharisee, he was highly respected by the Jews. His love for his people was genuine.

Consequently, when he finally understood the love of Jesus for him and mankind, he was determined to bring the good news to his fellow Jews.

Unfortunately, many of his fellow Jews did not share his vision at all. They treated Paul as a betrayer of their nation, religion and culture. But Paul's love of them was so strong that he tried over and over again to share the good news to the Jews.

The Jews would not listen and caused trouble for Paul. The Lord intervened in a vision to Paul to warn him of impending trouble and asked him to leave Jerusalem quickly. But Paul debated with the Lord (Acts 22:19).

“‘Lord,’ I replied, ‘these people know that I went from one synagogue to another to imprison and beat those who believe in you. 20 And when the blood of your martyr Stephen was shed, I stood there giving my approval and guarding the clothes of those who were killing him.’

Instead of obeying the Lord's command to leave, Paul argued using his human "credibility", thinking that the Jews would accept him for what he had done before. In giving the answer, Paul was finding a reason to stay and preach to the Jews again. As noble as his aim was, Paul was simply disobeying the Lord.

I reflected on my own experiences.

God has spoken to me constantly. There are times that I simply refuse to accept what He said. Like Paul, I give excuses, many were humanly valid. And whenever I persisted to have my way, I got into trouble.

But Paul was obedient. After giving his excuse, he heard the Lord telling him that He was sending him "far away to the Gentiles. " Acts 22:21. Paul obeyed.

A pastor once preached, "Between hearing God's instruction and obeying Him exists the gap of disobedience! That is, until we obey, we are disobeying."

But it was what he said next that really woke me up from my slumber, "Satan thrives in the realm of disobedience and in that gap of your disobedience, you allow Satan to have dominion!"

How more clear can it be said of what is true and dangerous?

It woke me up from my slumber. I hope my sharing will also wake you up. Let's be determined not to allow Satan to have dominion over us. Let's ask the Holy Spirit to help us to obey God instantly!

God bless.


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