Monday, November 19, 2012

Martha, Martha!

Busyness caught up with me over the last three months. House shifting is a major project and one of the top 10 stress factors in life. My family shifted into our new house just barely three months ago. There are still so many things to be done to turn the house into our home.

I was also busy with ministry work, tending to the sheep that the Lord has assigned me to. I was even busy with BSF homework, answering questions but knowing Him deeper in those answers I gave!

Those were the excuses that I had for not consistently sitting at the feet of the Lord over the last few months. I struggled to keep the sacred time daily. There were always some things that took my morning quiet time away. I could not be still before Him.

For the whole of last week, I asked Abba Father what to share on the blog today. I struggled with writing this post. I simply did not know what to share. I was suffering more than just a writer's block.

I thought hard but did not quite hear Him. Finally as I penned my thoughts, praying again before my fingers hit the keyboard, the Lord revealed that the state of my fellowship with Him was suffering.

"Martha, Martha" suddenly became a deafening roar! 

I am reminded of what the Lord said to Martha in Luke 10:42-43.

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed — or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."

How often we let the busyness of life take away the more important things in life - as the Lord puts it," few things are needed or indeed only one."

Lord, I repent. I do not want to allow busyness to become my spirituality. I want to be still and know You, Father.

As I keyed in the words of this blog, I ask for the Holy Spirit's help to consistently want to and to sit quietly at His feet. It is for my own good. His words refresh me, feed and nourish my hungry soul.

And He is faithful not to let my heart turn cold. Hence the urging to repent. Abba Father, thank you for your faithfulness and love.

To those who are reading this, don't do "Busyness As Usual".

God bless.


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