Monday, October 31, 2011

The Blessing of Giving

" ... Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’" Acts 20:35 (NIV) 

My cell group was discussing Chapter 4 of Romans last week.

An interesting question which generated an exciting debate was "how would you feel when you received an unexpected gift from someone and would you have rather worked for it instead."

Quite obviously, Paul was telling the Roman Christians and the Jews that salvation was a free gift from God and no amount of work from men would ever bring us reconciliation with God.

However, the cell's debate took a deviation. It centered on the feeling of the giver on what the receiver did with the gift. The issue was whether the receiver had the right to do what he liked with the gift. Both proponents and opponents presented their arguments emotionally.

The opponents say that they will be offended if the receiver gives the gift away to someone else (even if it was to bless another person). They argued that by so doing, the receiver did not respect their intention and feeling.

The proponents said that since it was a gift, the receiver becomes the rightful owner and therefore has the right to do what he deems appropriate, including giving the gift to another person.

In my humble opinion, it has to do with the attitude of the giver. This attitude will drive the way we give (or not give) to His kingdom.

Think hard over this statement - "one who has truly given is he who has given the full rights of the gift to the receiver."

Think again - who has the rights to use our tithe, offerings and donations to missions? Do we fully leave the decision to the appointed stewards or do we give conditions for the usage of the our "gifts"? Or do we refrain from giving when we feel that the stewards do not meet up to our standards?

When God gave His Only Son, He knew that there will be those who accept and others who reject His Gift. He rejoices whenever one accepts His gift and He longs for each who has yet to do so. And for everyone who rejects His gift, He has no joy in pronouncing judgement over them. Still, He gave.

The father in parable of the lost son (Luke 15:11-32), gave to his son his part of the inheritance. The father did not intervene on how his son spent the money; the son squandered it all. Neither was he offended. Instead, the father welcomed his prodigal son back into his loving arms when the son came to his senses and repented.

No wonder Jesus says, "it is more blessed to give than receive." And when Jesus says "give", He knows exactly what it entailed!

As for me,  I will give as the Lord directs me. My responsibility ends with my obedience. How the receiver decides what he does with my gift is none of my business any more. I have given up the rights of the gift to the receiver! I shall not be offended. It is more blessed to give...

God bless.

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