Monday, July 25, 2011

Story of the Two Lost Sons (Part 5)

Read Luke 15:11-32 (NLT)

The Father's Love

 “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.  
Luke 15:20 (NLT) 

This week, let's examine the father's response.

He must have longed for that day; the day that he will see his son again. Despite all that his son had done to him, he was filled with love and compassion. 

The father did what were socially unacceptable of a dignified Jew in those days. He ran to his son. He embraced him. He kissed him. He did this for a son who went wayward, demanded inheritance before his death and squandered all his money!

The loving father did more. He never allowed his son to execute his plan of asking to be just a hired servant (Luke 15:10 NLT). Instead, he immediately puts the finest robe on his son, gave him a ring to signify that he is accepted as his son again, puts sandals for his feet. He orders the prized calf to be slaughtered to celebrate his home-coming. (Luke 15:22-24 NLT).

Wow! Such is our Father's love for us. Some of us may think that we are different from that son as we did not do all those horrible things. Really?

This is a parable. Jesus tells parable to explain God's love for us. This parable tells us how much Abba Father loves us. This is a message of good news for those who have back-slided. The good news is that as soon as we come to our senses and repent, Abba Father forgets our past sins, welcomes us with His embraces and kisses and restores us to the status of son-ship. Glory to God!

Let us be constantly reminded of His love for us. Let this then be our principle of love to those whom God puts around us ... not just our family, but other believers in our heavenly family. Let us carry it further, let's love pre-believers in our community too.

God bless.


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