Monday, June 27, 2011

Story of the Two Lost Sons (Part 1)

Read Luke 15:11-32

A Father's Heartache
"The younger son told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now, instead of waiting until you die.’"... Luke 15:12 (NLT)

Over seven sessions in five days, the Holy Spirit-led teacher, Sam Farina expounded on the Story of the Two Lost Sons. I learned many valuable lessons, which I like to share with you over the next few weeks.

Let's begin with how the father felt when the son demanded for his share of the inheritance. 

In the Jewish custom, for a son to ask his father to dispense the inheritance meant more than just money. It would really be saying, "Father, I wish that you would die now so that I can lay hands on your wealth!"

In those days, the wealth of a family is measured by the amount o assets they hold; land, sheep, cattle and the like. In order for the father to give the inheritance to his son, he would have to sell away those assets.

As a father, I can imagine the tremendous heartache and deep sorrow that any father would feel when that happens. Let's reflect for a moment how you and I might have reacted.

I would probably be so angry that I would severe my relationship with my son. Then, I would be in deep anguish, wondering where I had gone wrong in the up bringing of that wayward son. These seem to be the "right" reactions.

But how did the father in the story react?

"So his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons." (Luke 15:12).

What a blow it must have been to the father. He had to sell his properties to give the wayward son what he asked for.

Jesus tells us this is how our Abba Father is. As painful as it may be for Him, He would honor His "design specifications" of us, that is, our free will.

For this week, let's consciously reflect on how much He loves us and how painful it is for Him when we move out of His plan for us.

Next week, I will share "The Stupidity of the Wayward Son."

God bless.


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