Monday, February 14, 2011

Be weary of worry

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.    Matthews 6:34

If I say to you, "Do not worry", some of you will reply, "I can't help it, I am just overwhelmed!".

But if I were to tell you not to entertain the thoughts of the Devil, you will probably say, "Yes, I do not want to entertain his thoughts."

Do you know that worrying is mediating the thoughts of Satan. 

The Devil wants you to worry and worry lots because worrying is the opposite of faith in God. One worries because he is not sure if God would take care of his needs.

But our Lord clearly assured us that God cares for us totally and there is no point in worrying (Matthew 6:25-31). Instead, He said that we should seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33) and all our needs will be taken care of.

It is our decision; to trust God at His word or to worry as Satan wants us to. 

To overcome Satan's trick, let's start by strengthening our position in Christ by reading and knowing His promises. Every time that you have a thought that is contrary to God's will and word, cast it down immediately. Simply refuse to worry by committing your needs to God. Read His word to counter Satan's thoughts.

You can stop worrying. Decide for your self. Be weary of worry and you will be set free.

Praise the Lord who is faithful and is able to keep us all from the fiery darts of the Devil. Indeed, God has won and Satan has lost!

God bless.


1 comment:

  1. So true, we can always cast our cares on Jesus, knowing that he cares for us:)
