Monday, January 24, 2011

We must know that He knows

"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going."        Hebrews 11:8

The NIV bible tags Hebrews 11 as "Faith in Action".

I recall an incident over 5 years ago when I was at a major cross-road in my spiritual life. Michelle and I had to make one of the most crucial decisions; we heard from God that we were to move to another church. Unlike my earlier experiences where He was "specific" in His instructions, for that decision He did not tell me "where to" but "to simply go".

Have you ever "gone out" this way?
There was no logical reason or justification that we could put forth to the church leadership. Humanly, they questioned if we had heard God correctly. One even said, "God cannot be doing this...He sent you here!" This was in spite of having given them  a one-year notice of our impending move.

But Michelle and I are glad that we heeded His call to "simply go". Our spiritual life and service to Him have since gone up many notches. While we were "loved, wanted and needed" in our previous church, God has His own sovereign plan for us.

We did not know which church He wanted us to go to until the very day when we officially leaving our "home" church. It was only at my very last Sunday service where I was still leading worship, that we received a confirmation.

We had to step out of our "home" before He told us "where" to go.

Although it seemed to be a frightening experience, it really is a faith-building one. God helped us build our faith in Him through that decision which then allows us to make many more important decisions that required faith. We learned not to question Him about what He is going to do. Instead, we learned to see who He is.

We must know that He knows, always.

God bless.


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