Monday, August 02, 2010

Believe it or not

Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

An atheist denies the existence of God, and more specifically, the monotheistic Abrahamic God (Wikipedia). Despite evidences provided, he will not believe in our Heavenly Father.

A follower of Jesus Christ must believe that God exists and He rewards those who sincerely or earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:5-6 NLT).

These are the two extremes - total unbelief on the one end and an earnest and sincere belief on the other. Hear me, these are the only two points - there is NO IN-BETWEEN! It is unfortunate for those who frequently and continuously hover in their own realm of "in-betweens".

The Devil's relentless pre-occupation is to make man doubt God. He is clever. He does not always shout, "There is no God!." Instead, he frequently comes gently and whispers into our ears, "Did God say ...., did He really say ...., no, He does not want the best for you .... and you will not surely die ....!" And he appeals to our common sense, which is not so common after all.

The only way to overcome such "bombardments" daily (check it out, the Devil whispers when we watch TV, read the papers, when we are engaged in mindless talks, gossips and the lot), is to take heed and practice Proverbs 3:5-6 seriously.

Whenever a doubt or an inappropriate attraction (which is really a distraction), comes along our way, let us trust that God is good all the time. Despite the circumstances surrounding us, let us always acknowledge His Sovereignty and Lordship. Let's not lean on our limited understanding!

Oswald Chambers remarked that "We put our common sense on the throne and then attach God’s name to it. We do lean to our own understanding, instead of trusting God with all our hearts." So, if we have to choose between what seems to be common sense, but which goes against His words, let us choose obedience to Him.

Believe it or not, there is nothing in between these two points.

God bless.



  1. hi bro steven,

    this was a very well-written article. your thought processes were logical and clearly presented. i'm blessed by this piece and i've forwarded it to one of my leaders who is struggling with some atheist friends.

    God bless bro.


  2. Hi Joey,

    Thanks for your comment. Keep it coming and bless others who are reading as well.

    God bless.
