Joy is the flag flown high,
from the castle of my heart,
from the castle of my heart,
from the castle of my heart,
for the King is in resident there.
from the castle of my heart,
from the castle of my heart,
from the castle of my heart,
for the King is in resident there.
And we often hear the encouraging words of “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”
I pondered on what exactly is that joy that gives us strength? What is the joy of the Lord?
Luke 10:17-24 gives us the answer.
v17 recorded that the seventy two returned with JOY and said, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.” Those disciples seemed to have been delighted that they were working with the power that God gave to them. They were joyful because even the demons submitted to them.
Very often, we get joy from being able to do something great, or being able to experience and exhibit God’s power and perform miracles and healing. It is no wonder that many get a spiritual high after going on a mission trip or after “successfully” ministering to others in need.
The Lord’s response to the disciples’ euphoria was an affirmation and then a correction. In verse 18-19, He affirmed the fact that Satan was defeated and that believers are given the authority to overcome ALL the power of the enemy. Immediately in the next breadth, He instructed that we should NOT rejoice in the power but that our names are written in heaven.
V21 says that Jesus was full of joy as He praised the Father for revealing this truth and power to His children.
And so I learned that as much as we will rejoice in knowing and experiencing His power working through us, our inner joy, the one that gives us strength, must be in the knowledge that we are sinners saved by grace by God’s own Son. This is the joy that will propel us, keep us and give us hope, even in the darkest hour of our life. Then we can truly say, “The joy of the Lord is my strength, for He is in resident there!”
God bless
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