Monday, November 02, 2009

His way is higher than mine

It is my habit to commune with the Lord when I go for my solitary walks. God has spoken to me many times during walks like that.

During my evening walk last Thursday, I posed several questions to the Lord. I asked about my next steps and I wanted to know the reason for the challenging experiences recently. As some of you may remember, the reason for taking a break from my work life is to reflect and hear from Him regarding my next steps.

After He spoke to me about my next steps, I asked Him the reason for my journey
through the less than successful business venture last year. He assured me that while I may not yet see the full picture, it was in His plan for me. He challenged me to trust Him to reveal the reason one day.

Though I accepted His answer, I continued to ask for the reason for my journey through the last nine months, especially when both my wife and I heard Him calling me specifically to join the last company. I wanted to know why I had to endure the physical and mental pains and then only to leave that position so quickly.

His answer was the same; it was in His plan for me and He will reveal the bigger picture to me eventually. He said, "My ways are higher than your ways. You may not see the big picture now but trust Me. I will reveal the big picture to you in the future. Meanwhile, trust Me."

I reflected on the words of Isaiah 55:8-13. Indeed, His thoughts are not my thoughts and neither are my ways His ways and His ways are higher than mine. He assured me that His words will not return to Him empty but they will accomplish what He desires. My duty is to trust Him and let Him accomplish His plan in and for me and let Him achieve His purpose.

Isaiah 55 concludes with the following two verses:

12 You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and hills
will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands.

13 Instead of the thornbush will grow the pine tree,
and instead of briers the myrtle will grow.
This will be for the LORD's renown,
for an everlasting sign,
which will not be destroyed."

As I seek His way, I will trust Him as He leads me into my next phase. There is no better way! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and love.

God bless.



  1. Steven,
    like to share a verse with you which I saw when having lunch @ Adams Food Centre today :

    "delight yourself in the Lord, and HE will give you the desires of your heart" Psa 37:4

    Yes indeed HE has a plan and a future for each one of us.

    Let us put our Trust, Faith, Focus, Courage to HIM.


  2. Steven,

    I trully envy fellow Christians like you as I had always found it a struggle listening to what GOD has planned for me. I had always planned my life and committed my plans to him. However, many plans were not fulfilled. Instead, events and paths that were not planned were instead realized. The journey was difficult as it is not what I had originally planned but the result was overflowing with honey. Praise the Lord.

    I had read books trying to learn how to talk and listen to GOD and practised quiet times with him like your solitary walks but without avail.

    In the past few months, what I have realized was to let him lead the way by putting our Trust, Faith, Focus and Courage to HIM as Louis has mentioned above.



  3. Thank you BC and Louis for your sharings.

    Indeed, when we learn to abandon ourselves to God, then only will we be led.

    I am encouraged by Oswald Chambers' "The Supreme Climb", which said when God spoke to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, He did not confer with "flesh and blood". More importantly, Abraham show complete obedience to Him.

    So yes, let's continue to encourage each other to put our trust in Him and ask Him to help us develop faith and courage to trust Him completely.

    God bless

