I read a devotional article in "Everyday with Jesus" by Selwyn Hughes with the same title, "Tired of trusting?".
Can we get tired of trusting God?
Yes, we can. Even Abraham, the man whom God called friend and father of faith got tired of trusting.
When Sarai did not yet conceive the promised child, Abram accepted her suggestion to let Hagar bear him a child. Abram could have trusted God completely and refused, but he didn't. Sarai and Abram grew tired of trusting and decided to "help" God fulfill His promise to them.
Very often, we let our "works" overtake our trust in Him. We can't "be still" and wait for His answer to our prayers. We want to "help" God with the answer. We don't have the patience to let God bless us in His time. The result is that we let striving take over trusting. And in doing so, we miss the blessing altogether.
This lesson comes in aptly and in good time for me. I just left my job last 10 days ago to take a break to allow my neck condition to heal completely. I have to learn how to balance between trying (works) and trusting (faith). While resting, I have also to plan for what to do next. Do I look for a job? or do I wait for God to show me what the next step is for me?
I can't just wait for "doors" to open without even approaching the "house". On the other hand, I have to be careful not to go on my own understanding and strength instead of trusting God. In all, I do not want to be tired of trusting Him.
God is good and I know that as I trust Him to lead me, He will. Praise the Lord.
God bless.
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